The Cocoon Series
The Cocoon Series
In all life forms, there are incubatory stages.
This stage in all evolution is akin to a hibernating period for species in
creation. They hibernate to grow, to transform and gain strength. It is the admittance
of a fresh power wave to the cocooned specie, into a new mode and forms and the
consequent strengthening of the original core to a finer and nobler state.
The essential factors and necessity of cocoons
as life shelters, has not yet been properly identified and penetrated upon in
its deeper meaning and significance as a prerequisite to growth and sustenance.
Their meanings and reasons lie much deeper than the surface appearances.
We can
see the characteristics of cocoons in their vast forms and adaptation and
receptiveness as an existential nucleus to all development; hence the earth as
a cocoon harbours various species and life forms. Mothers carry their babies in
the womb, another cocoon. Birds build their nests as a cocoon. All eggs in
their various forms are cocooned life-forms. We live in houses to cocoon us in
rest and rejuvenation. Plants protect their tender parts in a cocoon. Insects
metamorphose from cocoons. All these are languages that speak eloquently about
this singular phenomenon.
The question posed therefore will be, can the
state of a cocoon determine the form of the creatures or species dwelling
within it? Could it also be said, that the trapped potential energies inherent
in each form of cocoon has a magnetizing effect on its inhabitants and
consequently propels their growth and maturity? Or can it be said that the active potentials
of the creatures or species habiting a cocoon is decisive through the
emanatations, either furthering values or disintegrating effects through their
activities, which can either ennoble or weaken, and creates disintegrating
Therefore, the need for a proper understanding
of the symbiotic relationship between the combination of the emanation of the
cocoon’s radiation should equal the total force of ground radiation of the
species and creatures living within it, bringing about a balanced equilibrium
and harmony. Any one-sidedness would lead to an upset which shows itself in
conflict and crisis as can be observed in the many upheavals on earth today.
This symbiotic relationship given, propels the
motion and the development of all forms, either to a beautiful nobler state or
to an ugly depreciating state. Therefore the core of the cocoon is a mixture of
the emanating radiations between the cocoon and her species. Each creature
learns to adapt to the conditions apparent in the cocoon and in its
transformation through usage, similarly sends out a well-balanced exchange
thereby creating a propelling up-building energy. This hibernating state which
all creatures are compelled to experience as a necessity to their growth is
akin to a schooling period in adaptation and sustenance.
All the creatures see the habitation as a
training ground for the development of their potentials and also as an addition to their well-being, an
awareness as an active part of the fructifying
motion in their surroundings and upon themselves, which are then ennobled.
No wonder then, that the Monarch Butterfly in
its unfolding, acquires so much beauty. Such beauty can only be gained through
a conscious harmony. Hence, birth and death, the opposite poles in life cycles, are transformational stages in the epochal development of man.
The Cocoon Series came out of these
observations of a quest to unravel the mystery of the cocoon as a core filled
with potentials that creates sparks to animate and ennoble.
Monarch Butterfly |
Light illuminates and creates beauty.
Remarkably, cocoons harbor light sparks which are potential energies. Their
emissions are subtle and calm.
The cocoon-like designs tries to mimic these
semblances transformed through the use of natural materials from my immediate
These lamps were made by careful observation of
different cocoons made by insects. The materials are bio-degradable - abundant
in my environment are reeds and bamboos, twigs, leaves and straws. These are
transformed to simulate the effect of cocoons in their varied pupae stages. The
species determines the design of the cocoons, a reflection of their qualities.
The lamps are a combination of strips of Date
Palm bamboo sticks formed in a network of mesh overlaid with soft tissue paper
to create semblances that mimics cocoons. The forms are adapted into varied
shapes and suspended by woven raffia ropes, which gives it an ethnic feel that
does not belie its contemporariness.
Charles Okereke, 2013